Thursday, September 30, 2010

Altered Magazine Journal

Started this journal back in August. Pages of old Readers Digest were soaked in Citrasolv after masking certain words and elements. After drying I went through and applied gesso in areas both for design and to allow for journaling later. The Citrasolv destroyed the glue binder so the magazine became single pages which I taped and sewed together to make my signatures. The front page had the word 'breakthrough' showing through the ink so I decided this would be my title and theme. 
I made the cover from my stash of antique car upholstery fabric and other scraps. My inspiration  for this is from Mary Ann Moss's class Remains of the Day which I am delighted to be a member and I highly recommend. 

I have been traveling for 3 1/2 weeks and am so ready to get back to this and other projects. Will post the completed journal soon.
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