Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Practice book binding 101

Finished my first practice binding from Full Tilt Boogie online class! My motto has always been 'do the best with what you have to work with' and adding to the mix quite a bit of impatience. With that disclaimer, I will tell you what I learned.
  • Listen to your teach! One practice binding does not a great binder make!
  • Just like in any new skill - tools and supplies should be the best - improvising comes after mastering the basics.
  • A folio is a single spread whilst a signature is a group of folios! And a kettle stitch has nothing to do with pots!
  • Gluing signatures absolutely necessary although did not understand this concept at first.
  • As a craft - totally satisfying. Sort of like priming and stretching canvas - no pressure for the actual creating but time to allow the muse to run free and wild.

Went thrift store shopping the other day and although it is not a vintage album I grabbed this for a mere 2 bucks:

Of course the padded fabric cover is what caught my eye. The pages are heavy, gold-edged and smooth. Must be for using photo corners to make photo album. Since it is hard to open or lay flat I intend to take out the block and use for something else. But I think cover may be good for a Full Tilt Boogie! Highly recommend this class. Enhanced by Zemanta

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Caught you on the flip side!

Bottle Brush bloomed sweet this year.

I finally got the nerve to move my stuff over to a new location and I must admit it was much easier than I had anticipated.  Really. If any of you use Blogger and want to know how to change your URL and blog name send me an e-mail and I will let you know how. Easy Peasy! More time consuming was my new header which I made in Photoshop from scans of my drawing, ATC, quilt and journal page. I made the collage of them in Picassa brought them into PS where I gussied them up some more. I like much better than the former - what do you think?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh the Excitement!

Whoot whoot! Signed up for Full Tilt Boogie - the latest crazy wonderful journal making class put on by the fabulous Mary Ann Moss of Dispatch from LA.
Class will be in full swing this coming Friday. This is the stuff of what I hope will become my Vintage Love Journal after I am done Full Tilt Boogieing! 

Have lots of these cabinet cards and although the above wedding photo is not of my family, I have one to insert therein. There was an old photo album that came with all this but needs some prettying up before I show you. Off now to gather my velvet ribbons, lace, vintage papers, buttons and broaches! 

Did I tell you I love oranges? The tree my daughter gave me for mother's day last year is sporting 14 baby fruit - the Meyer lemon only has 4 this year, but hey, love it that I have any!