Sunday, December 25, 2011

Yes, dear, there is no Santa - only Love...

Wherever you are on this day and whatever your beliefs, may your hearts be filled with love and peace.

Mom placing the last present, Christmas eve, Brush St., Detroit, MI

This was the year my SISTER (the cute one on the left) ratted me out that I had shown her the doll she is just opening before the big day. See the look on dad's face in 2nd photo. Sigh. Nope, there were no cell phones, X-boxes or computer gadgets. Just dolls, cowboy outfits, ugly pajamas and memories.

This was the year before, 1957 to be exact. 
Brother Chris, sister Janet, Snowman and me.

First place in Highland Park, MI after mom and dad got married.
Sister was sick that day and was only allowed outside for photo.

Hope, Peace and Love.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday Morning mmm's....

Bagels, coffee and my homemade  marmalade.  Orange goodness.
Got the Vipertek Capacitive Stylus pen I ordered from Amazon. So far so good. Will have my review on Amazon shortly and will post a link. I can tell you it definately makes drawing and writing much easier.Christmas music on. Only one card left to find new address and re-mail. Spending rest of day making Cranberry Hootycreeks for gifting. Here it is courtesy of Susan O'Dell and Allrecipes.
Wonder where the name Hootycreeks comes from. Must find out. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Today,s Trials

Electronic joy and madness
color blast, sticker letter

photoshop, sticker letter

Still playing with apps on my i-pad while making cookies and packing gifts. The new cover will just have to wait....

Friday, December 9, 2011

Why I-Pad?

Truth be told, I would probably never have gone out to buy this small piece of electronica with such a big price tag. It landed in my lap by way of a barter exchange three weeks ago and I have hardly put it down - that is, if I can grab it from the man's hands. After a week of nothing but Scrabble, Angry Birds and watching all three of the foreign version of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc., on my Netflex App,(in night.scary-good)I decided to see what else this little gem of a toy could do. Already had Kindle for PC so got the App for Pad and started reading again. What a pleasure. Read the 'Future of Us' in 2 days and am into 'The Night Circus' right now. Got my shelves full of future reads. I love Flipboard and Zunio for my Google Reader and digital magazines and newspapers. Took Pad to kitchen and used Safari to find perfect orange marmalade recipe and kept it nearby while I whipped up 8 half-pints. Found out good stuff about my orange tree and how to make it happy at the same time! There are ka-jillions of Apps out there. I have Sketch Book for drawing/painting that if I like will get the pro version but others I want to try. Photoshop Express is great for taking the noise off the photos you take with the Pad - and you do get a lot of noise! Other photo editors I like are Photo Toaster and Effects. For a cool visual on how to make a painting (she used I-Phone but the same App is available on Pad)go: HERE
We recently purchased a new car that has Bluetooth and I-Pad connection but no GPS. Well, viola! There is an App - I got Gps Drive HD. With a nice big screen hopefully we will not get lost anymore. HA!
The last thing is how to blog and send other stuff from the Pad. Used Pocket Cloud to send previous post connecting my desktop! But find it a little cumbersome. You can do on your Pad anything you do on your desktop - in fact, you are on it! But the mouse and scrolling give me a headache. So I purchased BE Write HD which seems to have great reviews so will do my next blog from there. 
So, you get my drift, it is a keeper. Stay tuned for more evidence. In the meantime I just have to share with you this poem my sister wrote:

A Game With Passers-by 

by J.S. Colley

They turn their heads
When I drive by
In my little red car
I toss them a smile
And they high-five
And shoulder bump
As if they’ve just won
Some great victory
You don’t understand
My husband says,
You never have
Yes…I do
I want to say
But what good is it?
Except for a lark
A game with passers-by
So I stow it
In the back of my mind
Because I know
Whatever it is
It won’t last forever
And I’m afraid
When the time comes
I won’t want to let it go


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

First post from my I-Pad (2nd attempt)

Posted yesterday but had difficulties with photos. using I-Cloud app to do this-maybe there is better way...
 Ms. Mattie in the garden. notice the rounded corners? from a quick but nifty little PS tutorial over on Mary Ann's blog.

Whoo Hoo! seems I got it.

First batch of oranges from garden. more about how I made marmalade coming soon!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sisters and Writers

My sister Janet is a writer.  I love to read and try to follow her recommendations but will never catch up to her. Never. While here this past 2 weeks, I picked out a book from Mary Ann's well-stocked library with my eyes closed. This is what my fingers chose:

Imagine that - me choosing a classic so loved by so many people. I read my sisters article and wondered what reviews/critiques of this book I might find and how they would relate to what I thought of it. Well, there were 353 reviews on Amazon alone. 3,670,000 results when I typed 'My Antonia' on Google. Never pick a classic when you are conducting an experiment. I give it 5 stars.

It's hot in LA!

My time here at Moss Cottage came to an end with a heat wave that is keeping me and the posee indoors until the sun goes down. 

We fight over who gets closest to the air conditioner. It's that hot.

Of course, I let them win. I am like that.

I hit a few thrift stores. Found some stuff. Almost bought a desk and had it shipped until I came to my senses. But sense tells me I will be sorry.
Going into my Love 1942 Journal. Some of it. Oh yea. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Notes from Moss Cottage

Arrived last Sunday to resume duty of cat nanny to the infamous Cat Posee while Mary Ann heads off to Budapest. Minus, of course, one fabulous deputy sheriff, namely, Buck Moss. Seeing Mary Ann standing there with her much bandaged thumb I could only think of this:
Sometimes grief is so real you can slice it like butter...

This time the hubby drove me out and made instant friends with Wyatt and Corky as I knew he would. After feeding them, petting and grooming we all set out on the patio. Seems as if they were waiting. Waiting for Buck.

Ms. Mary set us out for a day trip to Union Station on the Gold Line Metro.

Mike was eager to visit Union Station where his dad and mom were during WW11. She was actually pregnant with him at the time. We sat in almost every seat hoping to have sat in same ones they did so long ago....

The beautiful ceiling inside the station:

Love letters - some from California 1942:

Little Mexico right outside Union Station. Admittedly a very bad video but only 2 minutes, to just get the flavor:

New Project 5 from Corliss Eden on Vimeo.

The train at end of the video took us here:

After dinner in Chinatown we drug our tired legs back on the Gold Line and to Moss Cottage. We told Wyatt and Corky of our great adventure and they told us theirs....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

In Memory of Buckness.....

Last evening I read this: Buck Moss has left the building. Oh yes, I shed a few tears. He was the greatest deputy sheriff a cat nanny could ever have. Only less than a week from saddling up with him again to rustle up some varmints. Sad to say he met his match when he became the varmint in the eyes of two pit bulls.  RIP Bucky-boy. You will be missed.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Practice book binding 101

Finished my first practice binding from Full Tilt Boogie online class! My motto has always been 'do the best with what you have to work with' and adding to the mix quite a bit of impatience. With that disclaimer, I will tell you what I learned.
  • Listen to your teach! One practice binding does not a great binder make!
  • Just like in any new skill - tools and supplies should be the best - improvising comes after mastering the basics.
  • A folio is a single spread whilst a signature is a group of folios! And a kettle stitch has nothing to do with pots!
  • Gluing signatures absolutely necessary although did not understand this concept at first.
  • As a craft - totally satisfying. Sort of like priming and stretching canvas - no pressure for the actual creating but time to allow the muse to run free and wild.

Went thrift store shopping the other day and although it is not a vintage album I grabbed this for a mere 2 bucks:

Of course the padded fabric cover is what caught my eye. The pages are heavy, gold-edged and smooth. Must be for using photo corners to make photo album. Since it is hard to open or lay flat I intend to take out the block and use for something else. But I think cover may be good for a Full Tilt Boogie! Highly recommend this class. Enhanced by Zemanta

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Caught you on the flip side!

Bottle Brush bloomed sweet this year.

I finally got the nerve to move my stuff over to a new location and I must admit it was much easier than I had anticipated.  Really. If any of you use Blogger and want to know how to change your URL and blog name send me an e-mail and I will let you know how. Easy Peasy! More time consuming was my new header which I made in Photoshop from scans of my drawing, ATC, quilt and journal page. I made the collage of them in Picassa brought them into PS where I gussied them up some more. I like much better than the former - what do you think?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Oh the Excitement!

Whoot whoot! Signed up for Full Tilt Boogie - the latest crazy wonderful journal making class put on by the fabulous Mary Ann Moss of Dispatch from LA.
Class will be in full swing this coming Friday. This is the stuff of what I hope will become my Vintage Love Journal after I am done Full Tilt Boogieing! 

Have lots of these cabinet cards and although the above wedding photo is not of my family, I have one to insert therein. There was an old photo album that came with all this but needs some prettying up before I show you. Off now to gather my velvet ribbons, lace, vintage papers, buttons and broaches! 

Did I tell you I love oranges? The tree my daughter gave me for mother's day last year is sporting 14 baby fruit - the Meyer lemon only has 4 this year, but hey, love it that I have any!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

LA's Answer to Paris's Tuileries Gardens

This was surely one of the whole buck tours Ms. Moss recommended that I go see. If camera's could record smell you would be greeted the wonderful aroma of Magnolia, Jasmine and Lavender. Come with me.

See? Wasn't that a lovely stroll? Right here in LA. Uh-huh.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 6 of Cat Nanny Confessions

Sharpshooter failure! Extra Frisky Critter! Me and the boys searched high and low cussing and hissing half the night. Finally decided best to turn in but not much sleep to be had. Wyatt at my feet, ears perked at the slightest sound. Buck up on the table tirelessly keeping an eye out where we last spotted that rascally varmint. Dawn cracked and I opened one eye to see Wyatt on the night stand looking particularly proud. I said "Did ya git him boy"? He just smiled. Swung my feet out o covers for my waiting slippers and right there, o man, was my morning present. 
Seems to me like there is some kind o competition between Buck and Wyatt as to varmint rustling. Buck seemed all ticked off at Wyatt and headed up the bluff after his morning rations.  Corky, she just sits back and looks pretty.

After that needed some nerve juice.

Perfect to start or end a day. Adore Chamomile. Reminds me of Granny Julie's Sassafras Tea.

Decided to have my tea on the patio. Beautiful morning.

After we settled down a bit, we read his MAM'S post from over there where she is galavanting in Paris. 
He meowed and sent her his love.

Monday, March 14, 2011

On Loving LA

Delicious salad we had. Vietnamese Cafe. Yummy. Notice the coconut milk? My first ever.

View from a certain window.....

A day later out for a stroll. Lovely singing bird I had to stop and take a photo. Won't tell you what the angry man said. Not important. I think he thought I was hurting the bird.

Adore white picket fences.

Speaking of fences - love this gate! A new take on chain link.

Okay, this is the bottom of the palm tree. Love the vine growing around base...

And this is the top! Tallest palm I have ever seen!

Maybe Californians are used to such tallness...I am used to the short fat variety. 
I am picturing a local native over in Tahiti climbing up there to collect a few coconuts.

Flowers in bloom everywhere.

And it is only March. Hope you have enjoyed our little stroll. MAM has given me directions for the 25, 75 and whole buck tour de gris to explore whilst she is traipsing around in Paris. 
I can see why she loves LA